5-Day Clubs are a unique and effective way to reach the children and families in your community. For 1 1/2 hours each day (Monday - Friday) children ages 5 - 12 gather to play high-energy games, hear exciting Bible and missionary stories and sing upbeat songs that teach unforgettable truths! There's action, fun and relationships with people who care want them to know the One who loves them the most - Jesus! Each summer thousands of children around the world come to know Christ through the clubs.
5-Day Clubs...
Teachers and helpers are screened and trained by Child Evangelism Fellowship and learn how to lead clubs and teach Bible lessons, songs, memory verses and missionary stories. Best of all, they learn how to counsel children to trust Christ as Savior. With over 75 years of experience, CEF has developed materials that capture children's attention, teach them biblical truths and help them understand and respond to the Gospel.
We encourage all children to go to a Bible-believing church and to attend a Good News Club during the school year. These clubs, held once a week in homes, schools, and other locations, present the Gospel through Bible and missionary stories, songs and fun games and activities. At Good News Club children are encouraged to have a daily quiet time using their Wonder Devotional Books. In addition, 5-Day Club kids are given a Truth Chasers Club starter lesson - the first step to fun and adventure and a lifetime of walking with Jesus! Kids fill out the starter lessons and return them to the 5-Day Club teacher, who sends hem to the Truth Chasers Club. Caring volunteers check the lessons, add personal notes, pray for the children and mail them the next age-appropriate lesson. Thousands of kids complete Truth Chasers Club lessons each week!